Guidelines for travel in Myanmar !
What you need to do in Burma?‘This is Burma’, wrote Rudyard Kipling. ‘It is quite unlike any place you know about.’
Distribution in Kachin State
( 1) Both package holidays and foreign independent travelers (FIT ) are allowed to travel to Myitkyina by plane or train.
( 2) Both package holidays and foreign independent travelers Affairs are authorized to Hopin , and Mohnyin Mogaung by train and from there to Indawgyi by motor vehicle. To travel by motor vehicle Hopin , Mohnyin , Mogaung areas . Prior authorization is required and when permission is granted may be allowed to travel .
(3 ) Both package holidays and foreign independent travelers (FIT ) are allowed to go to Jinghkrang , Myistone , Waingmaw Washaung and surrounding areas Myitkyina .
(4 ) Only travel packages are allowed to Putao by air. FIT for wishing to travel to Putao , they should contact the authorized travel agencies in Myanmar and move only as a package .
(5) Travel Packages Khakaborazi located Putao , Naungmon and Pan Nam Din Townships require prior authorization.
(6) To travel to Putao area as indicated above, a more detailed itinerary must be presented and advance to the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism .
(7) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel to Bamaw by plane and boat. To travel by motor vehicle , prior authorization is required.
Shan State ( North )
(1) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel to Lashio inland continent by plane, train and motor vehicle.
(2) For travel trip to the continent Muse package , prior authorization is required to travel by motor vehicle.
Shan State (South)
(1) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel by plane, train and automobile waterway Inlay , Pindaya , Kalaw , areas Yat Sau and Mwedaw Kakku areas.
(2) Travel inlay in Nyaung Shwe Township , the village of San Kar area Hpe Kone motorboat , prior authorization is required.
Shan State (East) (1) Package Tour and FIT are allowed to travel by inland waterway in Kyaing Tong plane and Tachileik and motor vehicle Kyaing Tong Tachileik .
A typical Burmese food includes steamed rice, fish, meat, vegetables and soup and all the dishes arrive at the same moment . It is Asia
Kayah State what you need to understand ?
The left hand does the job of toilet paper.
You need to know that It's considered rude to eat with the left hand as this is the hand used for personal hygiene. What you should also know is that to spell that out, the left hand does the job of toilet paper.
So eating as well as giving money is always done with the right hand.
The Burmese use their fingertips to mold the rice into a small ball and then mix it with various dishes.
As is the norm, most of Buddhists usually avoid eating beef and the Muslims don't eat pork meat.
Meals are served with
plenty of condiments -- from sweet to savory -- and everyone has their
preferred way of customizing a dish.
(1) Travel to Loikaw flying to Loikaw by motor vehicle by Kalaw , Pin Laung and Hpe Kone routes require prior authorization. Travel outside Loikaw is not allowed .Rakhine State
(1) Package Travel and trustees are permitted to travel through the interior road Akyab , Mrauk Oo, Thandwe , Gwa and Taung Goke by ships plane motor vehicles and ships.
(2) Package Tours and trustees are authorized to travel by motor vehicle along kyaung - Gwa how engine Nga Pyay - Taung Koke highway Ngapali .
(3) Prior authorization is required for package tours and FIT traveling by motor vehicle and vessel vessels Am Pyar Minn. , areas Kyawk Taw via Kyawk taw Paletwa in Chin State .
(4) Prior authorization is required for package tours and FIT traveling by motor vehicle and vessel vessels Pyay - Taung Koke - Pa Dann , Mrauk Oo township area Lay Myo Chaung , and Chin Village in Pauk taw township .
This country has fantastic beaches!
Myanmar has 1,250 miles of coastline and some of the finest stretches of
beach in Asia.
This is amazing when you have been there.
It remains me undiscovered by tourists and unspoiled by development.
Many beaches along the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea
The best known is
Ngapali Beach, a 45-minute flight from Yangon, where almost two miles of
white sand are lined with palm trees overlooking the Andaman Sea. Here,
you'll find a number of large resorts.
Less developed is Ngwe
Saung, a beautifully unspoiled beach that's a five-hour drive from
Yangon. Also called Silver Beach, its eight-mile (13 kilometers) stretch
makes it one of the longest beaches in Asia.

Kayin State
(1) Prior authorization is required for package tours and FIT traveling by motor vehicle and vessel vessels Townships Hpa An - Tharminya - Hlaing Bwe - Kaukareik .Mon State
(1) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel by trains ships, motor vehicles and ship Kyaik Htiyo - Kyaik Hto - Thaton - Kyaikmaraw - Thanbyuzayat and Kayikkami .
tanintharyi Region
(1) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel by air and boat boats Myeik , Dawei Maungmagan and Kawthaung .
(2) authorized to travel with entry permits to Kawthaung area Salone Kyun Kyun Mee Pya , Lu Seik Kyun Kyun Thahtay , Sagaing Hla Kyun Kyun and Minn .
(3) Prior authorization is required for package tour and FIT traveling by ships ships Koon Thi Kyun Kyun Su Lar Nge , Pah Weh Kyun Kyun The Nagn , Lampi Kyun Ma Kyone Pebble Kyun Kyun Myauk Taw Win , Kyun Phee Lar, Nyaung Wee Kyun Taw Win Taung Kyun Kyun No (115) Hlaing Goo Kyun Kyun Nahnat Thi , Shwe Kyun Kyun Myauk Nee , Game Gaung Kyun Ye Su, Auk Kyun Kyun Ni nad Myin Kwar in Myeik , Dawei and regions Kawthaung .
Yangon, Mandalay Region , Bago Region, Magwe Region, Ayeyarwady Region
(1) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel by train , ships ships and motor vehicles in the area of Yangon , Mandalay Region, Bago Region, Magwe Region, Ayeyarwady Region.
Sagaing Region
(1) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel by motor vehicles Alaungdaw Katthapa , Po Win Taung , Monywa , Double Taung Butalin Kyauk Ka Yin Ma Pin Ye Shan areas Beds
(2) Package Tours and trustees are authorized by plane and boat boats Hkamti . Travel outside of the city is not allowed .
(3) the package travel and trustees are authorized to travel by ship ships Homalin . Travel outside the city is not allowed .
(4) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to Kalay and air travel in the (4) Around mile from the town is allowed.
(5) Prior authorization is required for travel Kalewa , Hpaung Pyin Lahe , Lashi , Takathi , Minn. Kin areas .

Tips to travel in Burma
(1) Prior authorization is required for package tours and FIT traveling Kanpelet , Natmataung (Mt Victoria) Mindat , Aye Ywa Sakan ( Camp) If Yum (Camp ) (8) Camp mile, Kennedy Taung , Falam , Haka . As for the other regions is not allowed.Crusing River
(1) Package Travel and trustees are authorized to travel by ships ships along roads Mandaly - Bamaw - Mandaly , Mandalay - Bagan Nyaung Oo , Mandalay, Yangon- Mandalay visits - Yangon , Delta and Mawlamyaing areas - Hpa - An Ayeyarwady River visits Mawlamyaing .
restricted areas
(1) Travel Mogoke is not allowed .
(2) Travel Hpakant is not allowed .
(3) Tourists are not allowed to travel to Pyinmana , Lewe and Takone areas.
International tourists traveling through the border control points Kachin State
(1 ) Prior authorization is required for visitors entering through checkpoint Laizar with entry permits and are allowed to move only in Myitkyina only.
(2 ) Prior authorization is required for visitors entering through Kanpeikti Checkpoint with entry permits and are allowed to go to Myitkyina only.
(3 ) Visitors enter through Lweji Checkpoint with entry permits are allowed to travel only Bamaw .
Shan State ( North )
(1 ) Visitors from China with entrance and arranged as Package with private trips and visits permits are allowed to travel overland by Muse, Namkham , Kyukoke , solitary Kwan (Chin Shwe Haw, Ho Pan) points control Lashio only.
Shan State (East)
(1 ) Visitors are Thailand with entry permits are allowed to go to Tachileik , Kyaing Tong and Mailar out and take the same path .
(2) Visitors from China with entry permits are allowed to travel in May Lar, Kyaing Tong and Tachileik out and take the same path .
(3) Visitors to Laos with entry permits are allowed to travel in Wan Pone and Tachileik out and take the same path .
International tourists with valid visa entering through border checkpoints
(1) Prior authorization is required for the package travel and foreign visitors with a valid passport and an entry visa to enter with entry and exit points of border control, international airports, ports are allowed to change the output gates .
(2 ) Prior authorization is required to go to special areas of regions / restricted region (eg Act Lem , Nam San ( South / North ) Pin Lon Hu Kaung Valley)
(3) Special Chartered Flights / Cruises prior authorization is required for landing / take-off reception and / departure charter flights and cruise ships.
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