jeudi 10 octobre 2013

How to adapt your product for the Chinese market !

How to adapt your product for the Chinese market ! 

Selling ​​in China today is no exception to this saying as it is true that society, the Chinese cultural system are complex.

The values ​​of Chinese Confucianism is a braiding , Taoism, and communism ... capitalism , with whom he must now deal . However, among the 250 million Chinese accessing the consumer middle class relatively unified behavior seems to emerge . Even non-existent in 1985, the middle class (" zhong chan ") is under development and is expected to represent 70% of China's population by 2025 .

Middle classes and new codes

For now, it is mostly made ​​up of urban households living in large eastern cities : Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou, but also Chongqing , Harbin, the central cities that develop. This concept of middle class is not at all derogatory to the Chinese, as it is the desire to lie " in the middle" and fits well with this reluctance to differentiate themselves in a country of " market socialism" , according to the expression of Deng Xiaoping. According to the observatory Obs China , conducted by the Institute of Studies Think Out , "the middle class is not only extended, it dictates the socio-cultural changes and shapes the society as a whole ." Ideograms used brand

  • Guerlain / Lan Jiao : precious orchid
  • Volkswagen / Da Zhong : the people
  • Ikea / Yi Jia : pleasant, family
  • Carrefour / Jia Le Fu : family, happy, happiness

In marketing , companies operating in China must deploy values, symbolic of the middle class to own distinctive codes. A middle class that needs social identity , legible and also educational brands because consumers are still starting out , even if the younger generations , the " over 35 " and " 15-24 years" , already evidence of some expertise in procurement , requiring " products without any imperfection and innovative products , not only in terms of design," as stated by Catherine Sfez , head of the China studies institute Sorgem .

... and unfortunate connotations

Google / Gu Ge agricultural product
Nissan / Lan Niao : lazy bird
For foreign brands, fully understand the Chinese consumer is able to sell at a price of 2 to 100 times higher than that of domestic products. For the Chinese consumer is fascinated by international brands. Regarding the luxury (" she shi ") , he even worships some international brands like new idols , like this buying hysteria around Vuitton leather goods brand . A brand with its famous beige brown monogram, ostensibly neutral shades , perfectly understood the expectation of the Chinese public , an "aesthetic of bland " perceived as serene and calm ...

Market Research : Keep it simple and illustrated !

Catherine Sfez is responsible for studies in China for Sorgem . His team organizes "small Chinese lunches " to understand the market and make the right decisions . Her advice to those who would use the Western marketing techniques ? Adapt. "In China , she says , qualitative studies are in their infancy or superficial , or they allow brands to explain the failures or successes and structuring positions . Technical study , the " projective " mode is very relevant because it frees the individual speech . The Chinese do not have the habit of giving their opinion , but they have a lot of ease to speak when asked to respond to images. "
Still , sometimes , exercise is tricky. With a consumer who oscillates between frugality and fun to eat , attraction for foreign and economic nationalism , this " Chinese pride " that drives him to buy Chinese. But for a potential market of 1.3 billion people , the game is worth the candle . Lap of best practices to address the Chinese business .

Three ( first ) key for sale

- A brand name well translated

A Chinese name is required . To choose is to balance the characteristics of the product, the brand values ​​... and pronunciation, plurisyllabiques words are difficult to pronounce and remember for a Chinese explain This website

An advertisement in line with the value system 

The advertisement must include the Confucian and Taoist values ​​. The objective sought by these currents of thought is the "maintenance of harmony." Implying display social success, family values, and avoid figures rebels and forward-thinking are not role models in China. The Chinese are very receptive to the realism of the product, the most important to them is not what is seen , but what gives rise to advertising as emotion. You need to really understand Chine. See tips to understand China

- Legitimate brands

Old and successful brands is the only way to overcome copies or arbitration "price" in China. They help establish a social identity , unite a community and contribute to building a culture. To be avoided : brands " provocation " against the current culture of Chinese discipline , or " seduction too active ," contrary to the traditional values ​​of modesty.


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