mercredi 23 juillet 2014

Name of Carrefour in China

Name of Carrefour in China

The giant of the distribution accuses his Chinese competitor, the supermarket chain Anhui Jiale, of having used his name and his logo between 2002 and 2009.

Fight for a name in China

distribution in CHina

 Everything began when Carrefour began a vast market study concerning the region of Fuyang, in the province of Anhui (is from China). The group then noticed that about 160 supermarkets already raised its name and logo, tells the official Chinese agency Xinhua. In reality, these stores belong to the Chinese retail chain Anhui Jiale, based in 2002 and implanted in the region of Fuyang. The Chinese official name of Carrefour being phonetically translated "Jialefu", the French group considered that its local competitor had usurped his name and his logo.
The French giant of supermarkets, based in Paris, had to catch himself to believe in it having led an investigation of market in the city of Fuyang, in the province of Anhui, in the east of China. There are already 160 Jialefu stores in this city.

Carrefour has many store in China

name in China
Carrefour lodged a complaint in justice against Anhui Jiale Supermarket Chain Co Ltd and his(her) subsidiaries to Fuyang, accusing them of having used illegally the logo " Jialefu ", the version quibbles of "Carrefour”, both in the name of the company and in its commercial activities. The Popular Intermediate Court of Hefei agreed to receive the complaint. The hearings in front of the court, which began August 18th of this year, are always in class.
Daxue Consulting
Jiale, created in 2002, which changed its name of "Jialefu" in "Jiale" in August, 2009 forbids to have encroached on the registered trademark Carrefour, because it changed its name of "Jialefu" in "Jiale" before the complaint is put down. Jiale also supports that the Chinese logo of Carrefour, "Jialefu", means literally in Chinese " happy family " and that it misses that that elements identifiers which possesses a distinctive trademark.
Since its arrival on the Chinese continental market in 1995, Carrefour opened 157 stores and intends to carry the number in 185 by the end of this year.

vendredi 4 juillet 2014

A giant of distribution in China

A giant of distribution in China

Costa coffee china
In China, they are everywhere. Costa coffee is in the slightest village of province, in the smallest grocer's shop of street. It do the distribution in China of minute noodles in the flashy conditioning. Costa Coffee Mix a bag of spicy(spices and ingredients freeze-dried, supplied with there. Add some boiling water: it is one of the meals on the thumb the most common from all kind of distribution in China. It is also an inescapable logo, a small character smiling to the chef's hat: Costa Coffee. In 2011, TNS had calculated that it was the second brand the most valued in China, behind Sony.
Costa coffee is the first Chinese industrialist of the food-processing industry to be represented in this world ranking in term of distribution, established by the consulting firm OC and C. But others should follow from the next year. "  In 2014, we already know that both Chinese milkmen, Yili and Mengniu, will enter the world Top 50  ", asserts Jean-Daniel Pick of the cabinet OC and C. Mengniu is the partner of Danone in China. The French leader recently doubled his participation in the group Mengniu in 9,9  %, for 486 million euros.
By putting the hand on Smithfield, giant of the porcine meat, owner of Cochonou and Justin Bridou, the Chinese WH marked, year 2013 too. It is the biggest American acquisition, never realized by a Chinese for more than 7 billion dollars.

Distribution of Costa Coffee in China

distribution in China

It followed, of a few months, the repurchase of Weetabix, the American group of cereal for the breakfast by the Chinese Bright Food, the unfortunate candidate for the repurchase of Yoplait. These last years, Chinese offered themselves small about ten foreign groups in the sector of the consumer goods a year. Their accumulated amount passed from 717 million dollars in 2011 to 8 billion in 2013, according to the cabinet Dialogic, which did a market research on distribution in China